Finding Balance

Balance- to have an equality or equivalence in weight, parts, etc.

12-14 hour work days may not be a slow painful death for me.  I think it will be rather quick in all honesty!  I'm queen of the 'burnout.'  Queen of doing everything in excess.  Queen of giving in excess. Queen of loving in excess.  Queen of feeling in excess. If there is something that I can do, and do above and beyond... it's beyond.  Lately, I've been the Queen of working in excess.  Most people immerse themselves in 'things' because they're hiding from other 'things.'  I immerse myself in things, because that's pretty much how I do everything.  There is no getting half of me, or half half of my heart.  You will either have all, or nothing.  There's nothing for me to hide from, as everyone who knows me knows all to well that I deal with everything head on.  However, I just don't like to leave things half done.

Now I just need to learn how to balance my work without working 12+ hours a day.  I don't doubt myself, and I've smiled at all of those who have doubted that I can productively work from home.  The smile is growing, and will continue to grow.  Nothing that I do amazes me!  The most awesome God leads me (as long as I listen and pay attention...).  Nobody fails when they know who is truly in charge.  Sometimes I may teeter, but I won't fall.  Hopefully, I won't burnout either because I will discover this thing called balance.  One. Day. At. A. Time.

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